Newsletter – 29/4/2022


Nerae Preece Principal From the Principal  Welcome back to term 2. It was great to hear so many lovely stories from the holidays from our students and educators. Everybody had well and truly earned a break. A little catch up from the last day of school… The PFA ran the special lunch day which was very successful. Everyone enjoyed their delicious lunch. Then our cake stall which ran after assembly raised over $600. A big shout out to everyone who contributed to the lunch and the cake stall, and the PFA for organising 2 great events. Currently the [...]

Newsletter – 29/4/20222022-04-29T15:29:53+10:00

Newsletter -8/4/2022


Nerae Preece Principal From the Principal  The time has come to reflect on the last 10 weeks. I must say they have been at times very challenging, but overall I am going to say very successful. Let me share what I think are our top 5 successes for term 1 2022… 5.We had a successful ¾ camp that helped students develop independence and take risks. Covid kept away during the camp which meant that our kids could all get the full experience. Bring on the 5/6 camp at the end of the year! 4.Campfire Conversations. We have been [...]

Newsletter -8/4/20222022-04-08T11:40:18+10:00

Newsletter -1/4/2022


Nerae Preece Principal From the Principal  Change can be a scary thing. Over the past 2 years there has been a lot of it. Some of it we have adapted to, and some changes have been really hard to accept. Change is inevitable and I always think about the way I model my acceptance of change to my children that determines their resilience and ability to adapt to change. There are some great tips in helping adapt through a big change… Make sure you talk about the change, give them plenty of time to think about it. Listen [...]

Newsletter -1/4/20222022-04-01T14:55:51+11:00
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