Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal 

Welcome back to term 2. It was great to hear so many lovely stories from the holidays from our students and educators. Everybody had well and truly earned a break.

A little catch up from the last day of school… The PFA ran the special lunch day which was very successful. Everyone enjoyed their delicious lunch. Then our cake stall which ran after assembly raised over $600. A big shout out to everyone who contributed to the lunch and the cake stall, and the PFA for organising 2 great events.

Currently the PFA are running a Mother’s Day Raffle, tickets were sent home yesterday and more are available at the Office.

I know Michelle and the team have lots of fun things planned for the term. Stay tuned.

Inclusion and access to disabled parking  

Over the holidays I received a letter from a member of our school community. They shared their difficulties in accessing the disabled parking spot on the Sanctuary side of the school. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be when a person takes that spot who doesn’t need it, or they park into a part of the space so the spot can’t be accessed.

So I am asking, as part of our values of care and support that if you don’t have accessibility requirements please be mindful of those that do and keep the disabled parks clear. If you see a friend parking in that spot, just remind them gently that there are families in our community that need the parking spot.

To the person that wrote me the letter, please let me know how we are going and if the situation is getting better. The staff will keep an eye on the car parking spot too when they are on supervision duty.

Pupil Free Days this term 

The Department of Education have provided us with an additional Pupil Free Day this term to support with access to Professional Practice Days and the staff shortages we are experiencing at the moment. Our two dates are:

Friday the 6th of May (Berry Street Training) 

Friday the 3rd of June (Triangulation/moderation day) 

Students will not be required to attend that day. If you require supervision for your students please reach out to CIRE, if there are sufficient numbers they will be able to run for the day.

That’s about it for today. Have a terrific weekend.

Nerae Preece



Thank you to Rebecca from LLB and Renee from Yarra Valley Blooms for creating the wreaths for Badger Creek Primary School and our community.

Pippa and Lily, up before the sun for Dawn Service.

Toby and Holly at 10am Service.

Wonderful to see BCPS alumni performing in the Healesville High School band.


Important school dates to remember:

2/5 – Girls AFL Gala day

5/5 – Mother’s Day raffle

6/5 – Student Free Day (Berry Street Training)

13/5 – Prep – Grade 2 Photo trail / Expo Tabloid Sports

3/6 – Student Free Day (Triangulation/moderation day)


Campfire Conversation…

In the last week of Term 1 our school hosted an amazing local event. The Victorian Government is funding an education reform called Strengthening Aboriginal Self Determination in Education. Badger Creek Primary School was selected as one out of a hundred schools across Victoria to hold a Campfire Conversation. The night was well attended by our school and local Community. The conversation was open and deeply felt. The discussion was transcribed and has been passed onto the Department to inform this important reform for self-determination in education.

A big thank you to those who attended and the important contributions you added to the discussion.

Rohan Anderson

This week in Prep…

We sure were glad to have the Preps back with us in the classroom! What a wonderful start to term 2 we have had in Prep land! It was so great to see the children return to school with a smile on their face and an excitement to further their learning!

We were super excited to welcome back Miss V this week who will be with us for another 2 weeks!

In Writing, we have been prioritising our letter formation to support and strengthen our writing skills. We used open-ended resources to build our focus letters, as well as practising forming the letters on whiteboards, making sure that we stop and reflect on our best work.

We had some fun with our Smart Spelling sentence, ‘They are in bed’. We created our own beds, brainstormed other words that have the /b/, /e/ and /d/ sounds as well as further practising our letter formation through our handwriting experiences.

Making text to self connections was our learning intention in Reading. On Tuesday, we read the text, ‘ANZAC Ted’. The children made connections to the text through sharing stories of how they attended ANZAC Day dawn services and marches, and how they saw people with medals, poppies and rosemary pinned to their clothes. Connections were also made with the Teddy from the story. Through the teddy’s appearance, it was obvious that the teddy was old, special, and well loved, “I have an old teddy that means a lot to me too.” Make sure you check out our ANZAC Ted drawings on display – a lot of love and hard work was put into them, and they look incredible!

In Maths, we have had a focus on measuring the length of various items, using the language ‘shorter than’ and ‘taller than’. Initially, we used unifix as a form of measurement, ensuring that we were estimating before correctly measuring – some of our estimations were pretty close! We then introduced rulers as a tool for measuring and comparing items, looking closely at how ‘tall’ or ‘short’ things are in centimetres. The Preps had so much fun exploring the classroom and surrounding areas, building on their number skills and spatial concepts.


  • Just a friendly reminder to please use the classroom doors at 8:45am when dropping your child off at school as Before School Care have relocated to the central space of the Durn Durn building.
  • Please make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled as we have an overflowing lost property basket.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Love the Prep Team 😊

This week in Grade 1 / 2…

It’s been a great start to Term 2 for our wonderful Year 1/2 students, who are now well and truly settled into (and loving) the new Balit space! Our gorgeous greenery survived the holidays (phew!) and we were all excited to share our holiday stories with each other and get back into our learning.

In Reading, students have been working on using clues in a text to infer while they read. We having been looking closely at pictures, words and using our background knowledge to infer how characters might be feeling or what is happening in a story.

In Writing, students have been writing a recount of their holiday focusing on word choice. We are learning that exciting adjectives and interesting verbs can make our writing much more enjoyable to read!

In Maths, we are learning all about money! We have been learning to recognise and describe the different coins and ordering them in their correct value. The students had great fun rubbing coins into their workbooks in value order!

We are excited to delve into Earth Science during Inquiry this term and think about the way that we interact with, and are impacted by, our local environment.

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.

Community News


What kind of school do surfers go to?

Boarding school