At Badger Creek Primary, we love to read; we celebrate our writers; we value communication highly.

Our teachers are avid readers and writers, who understand the importance of sharing the highest quality literature with students. These ‘mentor texts’ form the basis of how we show students what good readers and writers do.


Reader’s Workshop sessions see students working towards become fluent, accurate readers who build upon their vocabulary and learn skills to help them make meaning of what they have read.

Students are provided with regular opportunities to read for a range of purposes, such as to learn about the world we live in, form opinions on issues, research content for projects and writing pieces… and of course, for enjoyment!


In our eyes, all students at Badger Creek Primary are authors. We provide our students with authentic purposes for their writing, by having them create a published piece that will actually be read by an audience within and outside of the school.

Some examples include:

  • Picture story books
  • Blog posts
  • Poetry collections
  • Magazine and newsletter articles
  • Letters to the editor
  • Postcards
  • Emails
  • Cookbook (recipe collection)


Communication is a two-way street, with equal importance placed on speaking and listening, as it is the cornerstone of being able to interact with others.

We help our students to develop their oral language skills across all areas of learning at Badger Creek Primary by providing formal and informal opportunities to present their ideas.

These include:

  • Sharing learning in class
  • ‘Turn and talk’ – discussing ideas with a partner, then sharing with a larger group
  • Presenting projects
  • Debates
  • Assembly presentations
  • Public speaking
  • Presenting at community events

Students are also taught the importance of displaying positive body language when speaking and listening, as well as how to change their voice to suit the occasion.