Newsletter 28/5/2020


Nerae Preece Acting Principal From the Principal From the Principal’s seat… Hi Everyone, It’s been such a terrific week this week. I have really enjoyed seeing our staff and junior school students reunite after such a long period of time. This time in isolation has been very challenging for us all, but as a true optimist, I do see some pretty incredible positive outcomes that I really want to share with you. Firstly, the collaboration over the remote learning period, has really forged a strong bond for our learning teams. Behind the scenes, there were some very [...]

Newsletter 28/5/20202020-05-29T15:57:51+10:00

Newsletter 22/5/2020


Nerae Preece Acting Principal From the Principal Hi Everyone, My goodness there is a lot of information to present to you. The first one is that Monday the 25th of May is a pupil free day. Please arrange alternative care for your children that day. Tuesday our Prep to Grade 2 students start, you can start dropping them off between 8:45 and 9am. Your teachers will be waiting at the gate for you on Tuesday to welcome you. They are so excited! Whilst our Grade 3-6 students will continue to work remotely for a further 2 weeks. [...]

Newsletter 22/5/20202020-05-25T08:24:14+10:00

Newsletter 15/5/2020


Nerae Preece Acting Principal From the Principal Hi Everyone, Well it has been a big week with the government’s announcement for coming back to school for learning. It is a very exciting time, the school isn’t the same without the most important people being there. The kids! So as is mentioned within this newsletter the 25th of May is a pupil free day. This day will be used to create space for planning for the rest of the term and to make the school an orderly safe environment. Our prep to grade 2 students will start back [...]

Newsletter 15/5/20202020-05-15T12:45:32+10:00

Newsletter 8/5/2020


Nerae Preece Acting Principal From the Principal Hello Families! Can you believe we are up to week 4 already!?! This crisis learning situation that we have found ourselves living in, sometimes makes the days feel long but the weeks feel like they fly by. Our Badger Community is showing such strength. I know there is exhaustion and tiredness from all of the changes that we’ve had to make, but truly, you are all showing so much support and understanding for our situation. Thank you! Common Assessment Task Today Well done to Mr Moore and the literacy team [...]

Newsletter 8/5/20202020-05-08T16:02:26+10:00
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