Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal 

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on some of our favourite parts of the year. It is so lovely to think that now our families are able to enter our school and enjoy traditions like our school concert, graduation, assemblies and helping with working bees. Seeing everyone back together truly is one of my highlights of the year.

Our PFA created more memories with dress up days and special lunches. It was always something for our kids to look forward to, and I love the fact that we had special donors who made sure there was always enough food for everyone to enjoy a special lunch.

I am so proud of our school captains for making assembly so much fun this year. Minnah, Sam, Gordon and Annika always put so much effort into making assemblies great. I particularly loved their interviewing techniques to get students talking about their learning. I know that our new school captains Alaura, Bryce, Toby and Tegan are very much looking forward to hosting assemblies with you in 2023.

A BIG shout out to our educators who have done an amazing job in supporting our students through an incredible year of learning. We wish David Clingin, Lachy Brown and Lauren Bowles the best of luck on their future endeavours in education. We also say safe travels Erin Murphy as you travel around to visit family, we will see you when you get back.

Finally a thank you to our learners for working so hard this year to be the best that they can be. It hasn’t been easy for you, but we have been so proud of your determination to succeed. You should all be very proud of your learning growth, we certainly are!

VALE Ian Armour 

We were saddened to hear of the loss of parent and friend to Badger Creek PS, Ian Armour, who passed away over the weekend. Dad to Toby and Adam, Ian was always there to lend a helping hand to any task we needed doing. From Breakky Club to cleaning up, driving the mini bus to swimming and providing transport for students to get to sporting events, Ian was always dependable. We will miss him very much.

We send our condolences to Toby, Adam, Emma and Megan. Our thoughts are with you.

Looking after our school through the holidays 

Just a little public service announcement. If over the holidays you see any unusual behaviour or any damage to the school, please give the police a ring. You can contact them at…

Healesville 59624422

Lilydale 97392300

Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting 131444

We are truly grateful for you to be looking out for the school during the break.


Semester 2 reports are ready to go live. You can easily access these through the Compass App. If you would like to have access to a printed copy of the reports, please reach out to Brogan in the office and she will be able to print them off for you. I hope you will take great pride in seeing the great work your child has put into their learning this year. In addition to this, if your child was on an IEP this has been updated to reflect the achievement of the goals. 

Getting ready for 2023 

Already looking into 2023, we have some dates for you to pop into your calendars…

The first day back to school is on Monday the 30th of January. We will have a Smoking Ceremony and a Welcome to Country to start the new school year.

Tuesday the 7th of February will be the new date set for our School Swimming Sports Carnival.

Wednesday the 8th of March is our Fieldwork Day for our review. We would like to put this in as a place holder, for parents and community members to come along and give feedback on how our school is tracking.

Friday the 17th of March is our curriculum day. We will be completing the next part of our Berry Street journey.

Friday the 31st of March is our Network PL. All the government schools in the area will be having a curriculum day.

I wish you all a very safe and merry Christmas and New Year. I hope 2023 brings our community closer together through celebrations of learning. Thank you for your support and contributions to our school. It is always appreciated.

Take care,

Nerae Preece


2023 Booklist

Ordering for 2023 book lists and parent payments is now open.

The flyer below has all important information on.

Further information has been sent out individually to families corresponding with your child’s year level for next year.

If you have not received, would like another copy or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office or Ross office directly.


Important school dates to remember:

20/12 – Last day of Term 4 – 1.30pm finish

2023 Important School Dates:

30/1 – First Day of School

7/2 – School Swimming Carnival

8/3 – Fieldwork Day

17/3 – Curriculum Day

31/3 – Curriculum Day (Network PL)


This week in Music…

Have a lovely Summer everyone, enjoy these pictures of our concert and graduation.

This week in Prep…

Hello our beautiful Prep families!

We made it! It’s truly a bittersweet time. We’re feeling grateful for this year with our gorgeous Prep community. It’s been filled with smiles, laughs, cries, learning, and far too much love. As much as it hurts to pop out of our big, beautiful Prep bubble, we know that our little people are more than ready to step up into grade one and we can’t wait to watch them continue to blossom. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the most amazing 2022 Prep year. The support from families has been invaluable and the pure joy that has beamed from the Preps will never be forgotten by their proud Prep teachers. Now for some sweet reflections from our little people:

We love Prep.  Our most favourite things have been:

-Playing spingo

-The teachers because they are so beautiful

-Learning about clocks

-My first day of school

-Doing writing and publishing our work so we can show pride

-Pevan and Sarah concert

-Making my friends

-Going to Healesville Sanctuary and holding Mrs. C’s hand at the bird show

-Eating curly apples at Miss H’s apple shop

-Learning everything

-Making arts and crafts


-Everyone’s kindness

-The Grade 6’s selling icy poles

We hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas, we will see you when we are in grade one 😊”

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.


Coming in to the warmer months towards the end of the year students will be required to wear a hat out to all play times.

Please ensure you pack a hat in your child’s school bag each day

Community News


What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Do you smell carrots?

Wishing all Badger Creek Families and Friends a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!

We hope this time can be spent with the ones you love and never take the smile off your face.

We look forward to seeing you all in 2023.