Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal 

A BIG thank you to our School Council for approving our Curriculum Day. We truly do appreciate having time to learn as a group of teachers. As you may be aware we have been working with the Berry Street organisation to learn about trauma and how to understand and support people through their feelings. This particular session is around relationships. One of the themes we will be unpacking are around “unconditional positive regard”, this is really important in relationships with little people. If they can think “no matter what mistakes I make, I know this grown up still cares about me” it helps them form an attachment to the trusted adult. This is such an important relationship for educators to create with children so they feel safe and able to learn.

Colour Fun Run 

We are so excited! The Colour Fun Run is coming up and we have a big fun filled afternoon planned! Starting with a BBQ lunch cooked by our amazing PFA. Then Fun Run Festivities begin from 2:30pm. We love it when parents join in so come along for all of the fun!

Pizza Party- Year 6/7 Reunion 

We are so excited to be able to bring back one of our favourite traditions this year. The annual Year 7 catch up. We organise a pizza night with our current grade 6 students and last years grade 6 students to talk about all things to do with High School.

This night is the beginning of our 6/7 transition process and gives our students an opportunity to dispel myths and legends that can often be created about High School. A big thankyou goes out to Mrs Whiteside who has organised the event for us.

1 week to go… 

That’s right… On the 5th of September the fencing goes up. If you are a past student and want to have a last trip down Rooms 1-5 memory lane, call the office 59624019 and organise a time to pop in after school.
Also a reminder that good quality cabinetry is still available to salvage. It would be great to use in a shed or garage.

Child Safe Standards 

Our school council meeting last week had an important presentation provided around The Child Safety Standards. These are crucial guidelines in keeping children safe in our schools. Here are some important things for you to know…

  • Edwina Whiteside is our Child Safety Champion. Her role is to ensure our school is upholding our Child Safety Policies and help people understand and support them through reporting around the welfare of children.
  • The Child Safety Standards have been updated in July, we are currently working through the process of ensuring that we have compliance in all 11 of the standards.
  • You will be able to access all of the policies that support our Child Safety Standards on our school website.

It is reassuring to know that all of our government schools are bound to keeping our children safe. When our children are safe they can learn.

That’s about it for this week. Have a great weekend. Nerae Preece


Important school dates to remember:

29/8 – Colour Fun Run & Special Lunch Day

2/9 – School dental forms to be returned

2/9 – Expo Tabloid Sports – Grade 3 / 4 Students & Father’s Day raffle

5/9 – 9/9 –  Prep Swimming

7/9 – Downball Championships

9/9 – Women’s Health Morning Tea

9/9 – Athletics Techno Challenge – Selected students

12/9 – Physical Maths Challenge – Grade 5 / 6 Students

14/9 – Footy Colours Day & Special Lunch

16/9 – School Assembly & Last day of term 3 – 2.30pm Finish


Special message from Mary Poppins & Bert…

Dear poppets from…

Bert, what’s the name of that school again? That’s right, Badger Creek Primary School. What a delight it was to visit you all. Don’t worry, we got home safely to London and Bert even had time to clean all your chimneys before we left. He is frightfully dirty now and I have been trying very hard to clean up his face, all afternoon. Tip Top!

Now that we are home, we have lots to do like making up spoonfuls of sugar, and teaching children how to say ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’. 

We did enjoy meeting your teachers and parents and hope that we see you again some time in the future. In the meantime, why don’t you read the book Mary Poppins – Bert really is a funny one.

Until we meet again, bye for now,

Love Mary Poppins & Bert

This week in Prep…

It is that time again where we celebrate the fabulous week we have had in prep and the moments that continue to blow our socks off!

‘Dreaming with eyes open’ was this years Book Week theme. To help celebrate Book Week, we chose the text, ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ as our mentor text across Literacy.

We were excited to have a visit from author, Ailsa Wild, as part of our Book Week celebration. Ailsa read her story, ‘Anthea’s Garden’ and then invited the preps to ask questions. Feeling inspired, many of the preps shared that they too would like to be an author when they grow up, even revealing that they have already started writing their own books. One of the questions that made us beam with pride was, “What was your purpose?”. Which was a connection to last week as Identifying author’s purpose was our leanring intention in Reading.

On Monday, the preps were SUPER excited to have our kinder friends from Badger Creek Kinder come and visit us. During the visit, the preps read their favourite book from home to their kinder buddy. It was amaznig to witness our preps be wonderful role models to our kinder friends, upholding ALL of our school values.

In Writing, the preps were dreaming with their eyes open as they thought of the next adeventure for Max from our mentor text, creating a new page. Next time that you are in the classroom, make sure you check out our published pieces as our imaginations ran wild!

In Reading, we delved deeper into summarising. Breaking our mentor text into parts; start, middle and ending and summarising important events that occurred in each section.

In SMART Spelling, our focus word was, ‘shark’. With the sentences being, ‘She could see a shark. It was over by the ship”. The Preps were excited that this was our first SMART Spelling word with not one, but two digraphs!

In Maths, we have been learning about ordinal number. We have engaged in learning opportunities that have had us order and position items in first, second, third, fourth and so on. We filmed oursleves having a running race which we later watched and had the challenge of ordering. We look forward to next week where we will be continuing our leanring of ordinal number in more fun and interactive ways!

Friendly reminders:

  • Monday 29th is the Colour fun run! Please come along with a white tshirt ready for some colurful fun!
  • To celebrate Father’s Day, we invite the Preps to bring in a photo of them and a loved one to use as our writing prompt next week 😊

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Prep team 😊

This week in Grade 1 / 2…


We loved Book Week in Year 1/2! The week started with reading nominated Book Week books including Stellarphant and the Walk of The Whales. On Wednesday, we listened to a real author (Alisha Wild) explain how she writes her books and we even got to create a storyline with her! On Thursday, we came dressed in our amazing costumes, ready for our Book Parade! We saw Harry Potter characters, witches, zombies, princesses, dinosaurs… the list goes on!! Our teachers even came dressed up as awesome characters like Sherlock Holmes and Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians! We loved The Parade – the best part was meeting the real Mary Poppins and Bert who travelled all the way from London to lead our parade, how amazing! We couldn’t believe how much they looked like Mrs Riley and Mr A… Thank you to all the parents who turned out to support our parade, we love seeing you! 🙂

This week in Literacy, we’ve been learning how to use punctuation to help us read. We also explored ‘Reader’s Theatre’ through scripts. We chose our parts and read through the scripts, adding expression by responding to the punctuation provided. We practised this skill with our own Good Fit Books, also. Take a look at our buddy reading photos. 🙂 In Writing, we’ve been busy learning about poetry. We helped to create this ‘Couplet’:

I stood on the hill and looked up to the sky

The stars were bright, the moon was high.

The lines underneath some of the words, show where the ‘beats’ are.

Next week in Literacy, we are focussing on Non-Fiction texts. We are learning to identify the purpose, structure and features of a non-fiction texts, identify key words, use ‘voice’ in our Writing and begin generating ideas for our own Information Report.

In Maths, we learned about 3D Shapes including their faces, edges and corners. We manipulated shapes and even created our city! Next week, we are  learning to understand the connection between groups (multiplication) and sharing (dividing).

In Inquiry, we learned about the The Rainbow Serpent, an Indigenous Australian Dreaming Story for the creation of the world. We discussed important questions such as Why is it important to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture? How can we show respect for the Peoples who lived here before us? How can we protect special places for the future?

This week in Grade 3 / 4…

To all our families during BOOK WEEK! We are so excited to have been exploring the CBCA nominated books this week. We are lucky that we have an amazing team of teacher’s who already owned most of the shortlist books so we were able to read the winning and honours books in class this week.

Thank you to everyone who made an effort to dress up for Book Week. We really appreciate the amount of time parents spend, thinking and creating costumes for your children to wear during the most exciting week of school!

In Numeracy we have been exploring Money, students have enthusiastically delved into using coins and making whole dollar and part dollar amounts. We haven’t told the students yet, but it’s the teacher’s sneaky way of introducing decimal notation into the 3/4 curriculum. It’s been great to see every student devouring their understanding of money and place value!

In Literacy we are drafting our own fictional recount. This is when we take a moment, a story from our own life and add an AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, UNBELIEVABLE twist that makes it a fictional story based in real life. Out students in the next week will be publishing and completing their stories to present in the last week of Term.

We have also had a visit from the Author Ailsa Wild, who was amazing at inspiring some writers to explore a fictional world of pixies and fairies. The kids brainstormed a character called FEEJ and begun the story of Feej’s adventures. We hope to use their inspiration to create some amazing free-choice writing piece. Ailsa’s books are available from Verso if your family wants to get a copy.

What a huge couple of weeks we have had! And MANY more to come in the following weeks.

Know that we are proud of your children and all their efforts so far this term!

This week in Grade 5 / 6…

The 5/6’s have had another hectic two weeks!

In Literacy, we have continued our focus on Poetry, with a heavy focus on analysing the effective of the word choice the author’s have used, and how the word choice helps you to visualise. We also focused on understanding structure and using effective word choice in their writing. Our visit from Ailsa Wild and her workshop of generating ideas for a story was enjoyed by all students, with many raring to get writing.

In Numeracy, students have continued to work on their multiplication skills, completing both a post assessment and a whole school common assessment task!

Construction is well and truly underway on our Caine’s Arcade projects, with students busily constructing, testing and decorating their games. Watch this space for a date and time for the arcade!

There have been lots of other events happening in our space!

Last Friday, some of our students went to compete in Hooptime at the Yarra Centre. The students had been training a few times a week and boy did it pay off. BOTH teams made it into the Grand Final, having to play each other in a Badger Vs Badger show down. In the end BADGER WON!

All students who participated showed incredible sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the day, and we could not be prouder of how they represented our school.

On Saturday, we also sent a group of students to compete in the Tournament of the Minds. This year, two teams competed, writing, and performing a skit that they had prepared (costumes and all!), as well as being presented with a new problem on the day and having to use their problem solving and improvisation skills.

Both teams did Badger proud, and we can’t wait to receive the result to share with you all.

There a lots more events coming up this term for the 5/6’s, include the Physical Maths challenge and the inaugural Yarra Division Downball Tournament! If you child is interested in either of these activities, check compass for more details!


The 5/6 Team!

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.

Community News


Yesterday a book fell on my head.

I only have my shelf to blame!