Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal 

Tuesday is going to be a very special day. It marks the start of our journey to becoming a school with new facilities, and our grade ½ students are going to be the first group of students to show us how it’s done! Our ½ team have been busily creating a welcoming learning space to bring our students together on Tuesday the 29th of March. This is the day that our students will start their learning in the balit space (Strong in woiwurrung), which is our converted gym. A big thanks to Musk and the team of builders who have been working so hard to get this part of the early works completed.

School Council 

On Wednesday night I had the privilege of meeting with our 2022 school council members. Our school council meets once a month to discuss governance of the school. I would like to share who our school council members are, so if you have a problem or wondering that you would like shared at school council you can come and talk to any one of these people.

Emina Sejman (President)

Christian Clarke (Vice President)

Jackie Hempel (Treasurer)

Bonnie Slootman (Secretary)

Mark Morris (Community Member)

Carl deWacht (General Member)

Terry Pieper (General Member)

Steve Smith (General Member)

Emma Griffiths (Staff member)

Erin Murphy (Staff member)

Rohan Anderson (Staff member)

Janet Miller (Staff member)

And of course I am available to chat to.

I look forward to a great year of work with these people.

Curriculum Day 

Just a friendly reminder that we have a curriculum day on Monday 28th of March. Our teachers will be learning more about Smart Spelling. Please remember that students will not be required onsite on Monday.

School camp 

Our grade ¾ students are busily getting ready for camp. They leave on Wednesday the 30th of March for Sunnystones Camp in Bacchus Marsh. I know that the students are so excited about their first camp, there are going to be so many adventures to be had! I would like to personally thank all of the staff members and parents who are sharing their time away from their own families to look after our grade ¾ students. I am truly grateful.


A gentle reminder that school photos are being taken on Tuesday the 5th of April. Please make sure you are able to access the online ordering system. Your child took home the note this week. 

Special lunch day 

Our PFA is hosting the first Special Lunch Day on the last day of school. That is 2 weeks away on Friday the 8th of April. We are asking for any parents who would be interested in helping out on the day or baking cookies prior to the day, to let Brogan know at the office so she can pass your details onto Michelle and the team.

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend.

Nerae Preece


School Photos

School Photo Day

School photo forms have now gone home with all students for Tuesday 5th April.

If you have not received please let your teacher know.

There are sibling photo forms available from the office for collection.

A friendly reminder for all students to be neatly presented wearing a Badger Creek logo top


Important school dates to remember:

28/3 – School curriculum Day

30/3-1/4 – Grade 3 / 4 Camp

1/4 – Hot Cross Bun orders to be returned by

5/4 – School Photo Day

6/4 – Hot Cross Buns available for collection

8/4 – 1.30pm – Assembly

8/4 – Last day of term 1 – School concludes at 2.30pm – School bus will be running one hour earlier


We have a very important missing elephant.

Who: Teddy

Last seen: At Badger Creek PS

Teddy has been missing for a number of days and we are very keen to reunite Teddy with it’s owner.

If you have seen or know the whereabouts of this missing elephant names Teddy can you please let the office know.



Dear Parents and friends,

Oh my goodness, what a great week we have had in music. It was so wonderful to see the band play the National Anthem with such gusto. This young group of musicians are really stepping up to the plate this year. Their commitment to being the best musicians they can be is highly commendable. We are working very hard in rehearsals to co-operate and improve our playing, concentration and accuracy and we are winning! Well done school band.

Congratulations to grade 3/4 A and 3/4 C, who were our first classes to perform in assembly for a very long time. Assembly performances used to happen regularly but of course, that changed with covid. We are so delighted to have had such a heartfelt and exciting performance of this sea-shanty to get things rolling once again. Brilliant work grade 3/4.

This term as seen the return of lunchtime rehearsals for students who are keen to take on a bit of extra music just for the love of it. The Nancy Mulligan performance this week was a brilliant example of what students can do with a bit of work, co-operation and a love of music. Aren’t we lucky to have such great students! Good work Nancy Mulligan Band!

I can’t wait to see what is to come over the coming year.

Have a great week,

Jenny Legg

Music Teacher.

This week in Prep…

With only 2 weeks of term 1 left, we can’t help but look back at everything that our wonderful Preps have achieved in the last 8 weeks. Like….WOWZAS! 

We see these amazing gains, in the way that they speak and play, everyday. 

But there’s a different kind of magic that occurs when a child is suddenly reading and writing words, that’s what we’ve been witnesses to these past weeks. We’ve watched these amazing little humans enter a whole new world. And, we are just utterly grateful to be exploring this new world alongside them.

(You’ll see what we mean when you put their day 1 writing sample next to their end of term writing sample…) 

With that been said, here’s a glimpse of this week’s wonder:

In Reading, the Preps continued to focus on recognising fiction and non-fiction texts by working together to co-create their own imaginative and informative picture books. Check them out! 

In Writing, sound charts have stayed within our daily learning intention, as we write about all things linked to our reading and phonics- such as animals, foxes, zebras, and wombats to name a few, being at the zoo. Or how yoga can help us regulate. 

In Maths, we’ve had a focus on number formation and number recognition. Picture all things number poems (“around the tree, around the tree, that’s the way to make a three”), dice, counters, 100 charts, tens frames, number cards, oh and students vs teachers games. 

In Inquiry, we explored empathy and unpacked feelings of losing things which are important to us or unexpectedly having things taken away. The children were quick to reassure one another that they will always show kindness to avoid feelings of sadness.

Just a friendly reminder that our classroom doors open at 8:45am for the children to enter for the calm start activity. 

That’s a wrap from us for now! 

Have a beautiful weekend.

Mrs. C & Ms H

This week in Grade 1 / 2…

Dear Families,

This week has been busy full of learning, excitement and organisation as we get ready to make the move into the new balit learning space. Our wellbeing focus has been developing an understanding  of our personal strengths. Students reflected on being honest, fair, funny, hardworking, forgiving, curious, kind, patient, leadership, generous, friendly and brave. The discussion and choices your children made where heart felt and truly inspiring. I wonder what strengths you have? Why share them with your child? It would be interesting to see if they match.

For Literacy this week, the students have been practising predicting in Reading, by making a prediction and identifying the evidence they used from the text. In writing we have been working on inside and outside character traits and drafting an engaging story beginnings that effectively describes the setting.

In Numeracy, students have literally been using their hands to understand measurement. This included comparing lengths, using non- standard units such as hand-span and feet  or standard units such as unifix Perhaps you could ask your child about how long their paper planes flew.

For Inquiry, the student’s having enthusiastically delved into their family histories in preparation for Open Night in week 10. You will be amazed at seeing our student’s knowledge growth (Hint ;).

We thank all parents and carers for returning the ICT Agreements. We nearly have everyone’s agreements returned. This helps us to maintain a safe and healthy online learning environment for all students.

Just a quick reminders to all families…

-Curriculum Day on Monday 28th March.

-Drop off and pick up at the balit space (the gym) begins this Tuesday 29th March. Please drop your children off at 8.45 in time for calm start.

-Please return ICT agreements as soon as possible. Spare notices are available from the 1/2 teachers.

-1/2 Open Afternoon, Thursday 7th April 3pm – 4.30pm.

This week in Grade 3 / 4…

There are some tired 3/4 kids leaving school this afternoon, but don’t blame us teachers – the wonderful swim teachers at the Jack Horn Memorial Pool are responsible! Each day this week students have boarded the mini buses and trekked to the pool for swimming lessons. Having not had the opportunity over the past two years, we feel very fortunate that our kids were able to dive back in this year (both figuratively and literally).

Our theme for the week has been ‘TRY’ and the students have certainly done just that. With so many disruptions to life over the past few years it was little surprise that many students hadn’t had a swimming lesson for some years. Many kids began the week unable to propel themselves at all in the water, yet here we are on Friday with students having overcome all sorts of obstacles: putting their faces in the water; jumping off the diving blocks; learning how to rescue their classmates; swimming multiple laps; and thankfully, getting changed more quickly each day!

It’s been a lot of fun, but wouldn’t have been possible without the special efforts of our bus drivers Nerae and Ian Armour – we’re so grateful to you both. Thanks to Mr Pitts for organising everything too.

Now, we’re pretty sure there’s something special coming up next week… Oh yeah, that’s right! We’re going on camp! Our theme of ‘TRY’ will carry over into next week when we head to Sunnystones near Bacchus Marsh. The fun just never stops in 3/4!

The 3/4 Team

Kat, Dave and Andy

This week in Grade 5 / 6…

We have had another wonderful week in 5/6!

We have been using our Literacy time to do some incredible research for our Inquiry Unit timeline that is exploring significant events in Australia’s history. We are incredibly proud of the effort that is going into these masterpieces and cannot wait to see the finished product by the end of term.

For Numeracy, we have been exploring and understanding fractions and equivalent fractions where we have been able to represent parts of a whole using fraction walls and anchor charts. We look forward to being able to show these on a number line and applying this knowledge to our Inquiry Timeline next week.

Auslan was a great week where we were able to create and respond to questions by developing our vocabulary and utilise the language we have been learning across the term. Thank you, Michelle, for such a fun lesson.

The students have been working hard on their intense emotions and understanding the triggers that lead to intense emotions being expressed by us and others while developing empathy.

In other news, 5/6 C enjoyed their “Free Dress Day” last Friday while 5/6 A will have their this Friday and 5/6 B will enjoy theirs next week. This is a positive reflection for students and a reward for the amazing work they show during their learning and time at school.

Well done 5/6’s! You should be very proud of your efforts.

5/6 Team!

Icy Poles for Charity


It’s hot cross bun time

I know everyone is looking forward to this time of year when hot cross buns come back to the shelves.

This year Badger Creek will be working with Bakers Delight to for all your Hot Cross Bun needs.

If you would like to order please come in to the office for an order form.

The Hot Cross Buns in a six pack to choose from will be:


Choc Chip

Apple and Cinnamon



Last day for all order forms to be returned will be by Friday 1st April, please bring back to the office.

All ordered Hot Cross Buns will be available for pick up Wednesday 6th April.

Croydon Wind Symphony’s 50th anniversary concert

Needing a night out?

Want to try something different?

Come and support the Croydon Wind Symphony’s 50th anniversary concert on the 9th of April at 7:30pm at the Alan Ross Centre – Billanook College


Adult: $25

Child: $15

Family $75 (2 x adult, 2 x child)

Visit the website:

Use the code ‘Badger’ for a 15% discount!

If you’re lucky, you might even see Miss Drill playing the Saxophone! 

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.

Community News


What does an ape learn at school?

His Ape, B, C’s.