Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal

This week, as the kids are coming back to school, I thought it might be a good opportunity to share with you parts of our Covid Safe Plan. In particular what will happen if we have a confirmed case that is onsite at our school. Of course we will take every measure that we can to minimise this, to keep your child safe. So here is a little run down of what our DET processes are…

How are you preventing Covid from entering the school?

The first thing that we have is a Covid Safe Plan. This has been devised and is updated as necessary. It is the same in all schools and I have attended many meetings in relation to this. We review our checklist regularly and our consultative team are regularly reflecting and bringing back information to ensure we are following the plan.

This leads to policies. We have an updated Volunteers and Visitors policy that is included in this newsletter. To summarise:

  • All of our staff have had their data collected by DET.
  • If you volunteer in some capacity at our school, you can only do so if you are fully vaccinated.
  • Any people that come onsite to work with our students eg instrumental music teachers, allied health workers must be fully vaccinated to be able to work with our students. They will also, like all adults be required to wear masks unless there is a medical exemption.
  • At the moment we are not required to collect vaccination information for people who are just popping into the office, however we expect that all people who enter into the office use the QR code, so we can keep track of who has been onsite. This is why we have stopped adults coming onto the sight from our south boundary entries. We ask that you only use the Kinder side entry and come directly to the office.

So what if a case is confirmed in our local community?

  1. I receive a disclosure from the person (parent/carer of a child) who has a confirmed positive Covid test. I will ask a series of questions to find out if the person was on the premises at any point during or 48 hours leading up to signs of symptoms.
  2. I notify DET to let them know.
  3. I notify my Senior Education Improvement Leader
  4. I notify the school council, our health and safety team, and the services working out of the school (CIRE, Crossing supervisor and our cleaning company Tradeflex)
  5. We then work with a case worker who will help us determine whether a building will be closed off or the entire school. In which case the school/building is closed for a deep clean and students return to remote learning for any school days.
  6. When we get authorisation from the Department of Health we communicate the outcome to the community.
  7. We reopen the school upon getting the letter of approval from the Victorian School Building Authority.

This is a synthesised version of a very detailed 5 page checklist. Hopefully this information helps you understand what our process is in ensuring that we manage confirmed cases. Any information that I am given is treated with the highest of confidentiality. Our school council and staff will know that there is a confirmed case but will not know who it is.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to reach out, and we can have a chat.

Thanks to all of you for ensuring that our children are safe at school, by wearing masks and following our protocols of limiting additional movement of people on the school premises.

Enjoy your new freedoms this weekend. It will be lovely to reconnect with friends locally and I am very much looking forward to the state opening up in the coming weeks so I can see my mum again. It won’t be long!

Stay Curious,


Volunteers and Visitors Policy

2022 Book pack information

2022 individual grade book pack information

Prep 2022

Grade 1 2022

Grade 2 2022

Grade 3 2022

Grade 4 2022

Grade 5 / 6 2022


Important school dates to remember:

Monday 25/10 – Wednesday 27/10 – Prep students return to onsite learning

Thursday 28/10 – Friday 29/10 – Grade 1 / 2 students return to onsite learning

Tuesday 26/10 – Wednesday 27/10 – Grade 3 / 4 students return to onsite learning

Thursday 28/10 – Friday 29/10 – Grade 5 / 6 students return to onsite learning

Curriculum day – Monday 1st November

Public holiday – Tuesday 2nd November

End of term 4 – Friday 17th December – 1.30pm finish


This week in Art…

This week in art students have been focusing on drawing and how they can improve their drawing skills. I encourage them to see that drawing, just like reading or writing is a learnt skill. Students need to be shown the strategies and given the time to practice them in order to improve. In our art room at Badger Creek Primary we use a combination of strategies to support students, including imaginative, guided and observational drawing.

Our seniors used observational drawing techniques to create an artwork of cacti in a decorative pot. They focused on shape and texture using a range of dashes and lines to create the prickly surface of a cactus. They then used collage and watercolour to complete their artwork.

The junior students created a drawing of an imaginary creature by using drawing prompts as a starting point. They asked themselves questions like, how does my creature move? Does it have scales or fur? Where does it live? They then used this information to create their imaginary drawings.

Well done to our students for another successful week in our remote learning art room.

Vanessa Imberger

Art Teacher

Music News

Greetings to our wonderful Badger Creek families,

It is so good to see our children slowly returning to school, my goodness how they have grown! Music lessons will remain online for the next 2 weeks and we will be returning to face to face music lessons when all students are back at school. I can’t wait.

We will not be holding a whole school live concert this year, we are planning to have a whole school dance event which will be held outside. Families will not be permitted to attend but, we will be filming and will make a video available. I am including an instruction video of the dance we need to learn each week in the blog and also here in the newsletter so that you can get a head start on learning your moves.

Don’t forget to keep on doing your music lessons online. I look forward to seeing you all in person soon.

Ms. Legg

Music Teacher.

This week in Prep…

Welcome back to all the Preps.

It was amazing to return to onsite learning this week. We enjoyed getting back into the classroom and reconnecting with each other.

There were a lot of tired but happy children at the end of each day. We had a strong focus on hands on, fun, learning activities. It was lovely to see how quickly everyone slipped back into the routines of school.

We learnt about doubling numbers, forces and motion in science, finding good fit books for reading and finding our writing rhythm again.


  • Students need to be Sun Smart and wear their hats when they are outside.
  • We will be visiting the library on Wednesdays this term.
  • WebEx next week is on Thursday 9.30, Friday 11.00 after assembly.


A big Congratulations to Maddy P.

Maddy has done an amazing job and become the first student in the Junior School to complete the Kindness Bingo.

Maddy had a choice to complete an act of kindness.

With this Maddy chose to give away a toy.

Well Done Maddy, we are very proud of you!

This week in Grade 1 / 2…

A warm welcome back to our 1/2 families and caregivers.

We welcomed back our wonderful 1/2 students yesterday with big open arms. It was so lovely to see the gigantic smiles on faces ( many with missing teeth). As expected there were a few mixed emotions but upon reuniting with their friends, our students quickly remembered just why they love school. We are so very proud of the courage and resilience these little humans have shown throughout the past months. We are excited to create some wonderful new memories in the weeks ahead.

Our return to school focus is student wellbeing. Our Thursdays and Fridays will be all about re-establishing routines and expectations in the classroom so that the best learning can take place. Activities have been designed around group collaboration so that students have the opportunity to re socialise and connect with their classmates. We foresee great opportunities for outside learning (in line with Covid-safe practices) and look forward to seeing more of Sean in our gardens.

We can hardly wait for Mrs. Riley’s safe return next week and give a big shout out to Mrs. Hunter for covering the fort in 12B.

We leave you with a wonderful extension piece by Isla, inspired by the famous penguin from Tasmania. Thanks Isla!

1/2 Team

This week in Grade 3 / 4…

The 3/4 teachers are INCREDIBLY excited to have the students onsite next week. Mr. Clingin, Andy and Miss Aston have been working hard to make sure the classrooms are all set up and ready to go for Tuesday. We are looking forward to having everyone back together and in the classroom.

During remote learning, the 3/4 students continue to be superstars! In literacy and in preparation for coming back to school we have been looking at building stamina in our reading. Students have been setting timers and keeping a log of their reading times, challenging themselves to read for longer periods every time.

In writing, we have been looking at metaphors, similes, and poems! With students having a go at writing a limerick! This can be a little tricky, as not only do you have to make sure your words rhyme, but you also must have the right number of syllables in a line as well! We all had some fun writing them, with the teachers getting involved to, and writing limericks about BCPS.

In maths, we have been looking at factors and problem solving. We set some tricky maths tasks for our students who have been building their resilience and persistence with challenging tasks. Some maths challenges sent students into the learning pit, having to try a few times before getting the correct answer. We are so proud of the work you are doing. It’s not about how quickly you can find the answer, but if you keep trying even if it felt hard.

We are so proud of all the work the 3/4 students have been doing in their remote learning and can’t wait to have you back at school in just a few days.

This week in Grade 5 / 6…

Hello to all our Fantastic Families!

It has been another big week for our Grade Five and Six students as they start preparing for a gradual return to school. We’re very excited to see everyone when we begin our staggered return to face-to-face learning!

In Reading this week, students have been examining the different types of text structures of non-fiction texts. We have been analysing the way that different structures impact the students as readers to help them identify techniques and approaches which they can adopt to use in their own writing efforts.

As part of our Writing, we have been linking what we’ve learned about text structures in reading and incorporating this into our writing. Students have been researching either a historically significant inventor, or an invention which has impacted society, and been utilising the Writing Process to synthetize their findings in an informative format.

In Numeracy, we have been exploring the properties of numbers through the lens of multiplication. Students have been able to focus on different areas of multiplication through self-selecting activities from different teachers which they feel best meet their individual needs. We have been incredibly impressed by the dedication our students have shown in adapting to taking an active part in their own learning.

Best Regards

The Grade Five and Six Teaching Team


School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.


What do you call a dog magician?

A labracadabrador.