Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal 

Welcome back for term 2. I hope you all had a wonderful break. I know many students were able to get away for a little bit, which is fabulous. My holidays were spent reading and doing a jigsaw puzzle. I read a few great books, one that I got a lot out of was Wolfpack by Abby Wambach. This one was about leadership and changing the rules for leaders. It’s a nice easy read with great stories from her time as co-captain of the infamous US soccer team.

Before I get started on things you will need to know looking ahead, I want to say a big thank you to all of the families who were able to help with the Arts Centre Excursion on Tuesday. By all accounts it was a really successful day. I also want to take the chance to thank Kathleen Kean for organising the logistics of the day, and Jenny Legg for continuing to foster our relationship with Arts Victoria who, over the past 10 years have donated over $50,000 in helping our kids experience The Arts in Melbourne. It is a very important connection for us.

Let’s have a look at some things that will be important for Term 2…

District Athletics

We are so excited that our grade 3-6 students will be able to participate in the Athletics sports day with other local schools at Morrison’s Reserve (Mt Evelyn) on Thursday April 29th. If you are able to help out on the day get in contact with David Pitts or your child’s teacher to let them know you can help out. Our students have been working so hard in PE practicing many of the activities they will participate in on the day. We won the coveted trophy as a school last time, Scott Crawford was very proud of this, he had been waiting years for the school to win it. Good luck Badger!


Our first assembly for the term will be at 2:30-3:30 on Friday the 7th of May. Our school captains will be working on a music filled and celebratory Assembly. Save the date!


Just a gentle reminder that NAPLAN will be on for our grade 3 and 5’s in the week of the 10th of May. There is nothing that needs to be prepared for, the kids have had the chance to become familiar with the format. We always like to remind families that NAPLAN is a snap shot of a day for students. The data is probably more important for school leadership to help us understand how our learning is going.

School Photos 

We are just in the process of finalising the date for school photo’s at this stage we can expect them to occur in the last week of May. This may help you all with getting a booking sorted for hairdressers. We will give a definite date next week.

Education Week Open Afternoon

Building connections is the theme for Education Week this year and on Thursday 27th of May we will be having an Open Afternoon to invite our community to come and build connections with our local community and our school. The event will kick off from 3pm until 5pm. We will keep you posted over the next few weeks. In the meantime if you could save the date for this one so you can see the fabulous projects your children have been involved in.

That’s about it for this week… till next week, be safe, be respectful and be responsible,




Important school dates to remember:

Athletics carnival – Grade 3 – 6 – Thursday 29th April

School colour run – 17th May – 2.30pm


This week in Music…

Greetings to our wonderful school community,

It is wonderful to be back after our break and to have started the term with such a bang! On Tuesday all of our grade 1-6 students went on a fully funded trip to see the Alan Brough play, Charlie and the War against Grannies. It was an absolutely fantastic day. The show was full of action, laughs and music. Our student’s behaviour was exemplary! We were so fortunate to be able to eat our lunch in the glorious foyers of the Playhouse Theatre…it was a bit like fine dining!

Victorian Arts Centre Promotional Video.

Over the past 12 years, Badger Creek Primary School has received over $100,000 worth of funding to take our students into the Arts Centre, with no cost to us. We have seen the MSO on many occasions and also many vibrant and interesting productions. This money is provided by the Victorian Arts Centre through donations from the organisations and the general public. Let’s just let that sink in. Large amounts of money are given to young people who would otherwise find it difficult to attend these types of performances because of cost or distance from Melbourne. This just shows how important participation in the Arts is considered by our broader community.

As we have been so keenly involved in these programs over the years, we have been asked to assist with making a video to help the Arts Centre with future fund raising. Several of our students and myself have been involved in video interviews over the past week, to highlight the benefits of this provision for our school. It was such fun, just like being on TV!

Thank you to the students and families who participated and a very big thank you to the Victorian Arts Centre for their amazing community work.

Have a great week,

Jenny Legg

Music Teacher

This week in P.E…

Welcome back to Term 2!

Our students have hit the ground running in PE this week, our Foundation students practiced their underarm throwing skills in various games and skill development activities.

Our grade 3-6 students have been busy practicing and learning the different Athletic events in preparation for the upcoming District Athletics Carnival next Thursday 29th April.

They will get one more final practice session before they participate in the event at Morrisons Reserve.

A reminder to all parents, could you please ensure the permission form is completed and returned to your classroom teacher as soon as possible.

Payments can be made now on Qkr!

If you require a Spare form, they can be found in the office.

Parent helpers are greatly appreciated on the day! If you are able to assist, please fill in the parent helper form or contact me directly on

Colour fun run!

We are excited to announce that we have booked our Colour Run 4 Fun for Monday 17th May and invite all parents and children to participate !

Stay tuned for more details to come!

This week in Art…

Welcome back to the art room for another term. Our students enjoyed a much needed break and have returned invigorated and ready for learning.

In art for the next two weeks, students will be working with clay. This week every year level had the opportunity to play with clay and refresh their knowledge of making spheres, pinch pots, slabs and coils. They also learnt the importance of using the slip and score method when attaching one piece of clay to another. Next week each class will use this knowledge to construct an artwork that they will fire in the kiln and then glaze.

During the week I met with my art leaders Ava and Olive to choose the paint colours that they would like to use in their mural on the outside wall of the art room. Next Monday they will run art club for grades 3-6, where they will begin working on it. I can’t wait to see the results!

Have a great week everyone.

Vanessa Imberger

Art Teacher

This week in Prep…

“We have had an outstanding start to our second term of Prep! The children have literally picked up from where they left off. We have been doing all sorts of things from blowing /b/ /b/ bubbles to baking anzac biscuits. It’s always exciting to see all our little learners have a go; Maths always hooks us in as we continue to conceptualise our numbers from 1-20. We have begun learning about shapes and their features. And we have moved full steam ahead in Literacy with our word of the week (cat) and our sentence of the week (The cat sat on the mat.) We kindly ask that you remind your children that they need to change their readers on a Monday morning (or any other day if forgotten). We have loved watching our readers take on this responsibility and your gentle reminders in the morning to pack their blue folder before school really help!

One last thing from us, next week in Show and Share, our theme will be SEASONAL. Please discuss with your child something related to a season that they could bring into school next Friday to share with their class. Our Show and Share themes can also be found on our prep notice board near the prep entrance… look for the leafy backdrop.

Who knew so much learning could fit into one week?! Until next week, rest and recharge team!”

This week in Grade 1 / 2…

Year 1/2

What an amazing week we’ve had! Term two has started with a bang! Our excursion to The Arts Centre was just amazing! Here are some words from our kids: 

“It was great and I’d like to see it more times!” (Ava 1/2B) 

“I thought it was good because there was so much action!” (Jack 1/2A)

We thank all our parent helpers for their assistance on the day, your support is greatly appreciated. We’d like to congratulate our Yr1/2 cohort on the way they conducted themselves at The Arts Centre. You showed pride in your school, responsibility and respect – well done. Check out some of our photos below! 

In Literacy this week, we have been working on visualising when we read (making a movie in our mind), creating ideas in Writing, and learning to spell works containing the digraph /sh/ (two letters than make one sound). 

In Numeracy, we began a unit of work on measurement. We investigated our own heights using informal measurement, and compared heights in our class. This exercise proved to be more challenging than we expected! We discussed the accuracy of informal measurement including hand spans. 

Next week, we’re continuing our work on visualising and ideas in Literacy, and are going to use our city scape photos from our excursion to The Arts Centre, to create a city scape of our own, demonstrating our measurement skills! We look forward to an exciting Week 2! 

This week in Grade 5 / 6…

Hi Everyone,

We hope you have all had a well earned relaxing and refreshing break (not to mention a couple of chocolate eggs at the start of the holidays).

It’s been a busy week amongst the Grade 5/6 students. This week in the classroom, we’ve been focusing on ANZAC Day on the 25’th of April. In order to form a deeper understanding of the history and significance of the ANZACS students have been researching common symbols used to commemorate the ANZAC spirit and have created some truly inspiring posters. They’ve also been focusing on delving into the events around World War I and how these shaped the creation of the ANZAC’s through building detailed timelines and role playing these events in the classroom.

In addition to this, this week our students were introduced to Entrepreneurship which is their major inquiry focus for the term, and have begun formulating ideas to create their own small business enterprises which you’ll be hearing about as the term progresses. The end goal of each business is to raise money for charities, which will continue Badger Creek’s strong tradition of helping students value their place as global citizens who can contribute to the betterment of their communities. We’ve already seen some incredible examples of creative business thinking, as well as remarkable examples of ingenuity. We can’t wait to see where students take their enterprises during the project.

All The Best from

Ms Murphy, Ms Drill and Mr Miller

Attention Grade 6 Families…

Dear Grade 6 Families,

It has now come time to decide which high school you will be sending your wonderful Grade 6 student.

Please find a link attached to the  Department website where you can download a copy of the form.

This form will also be emailed on Thursday night to all families.

A hard copy of the form needs to be returned to your students’ teacher by Friday 14th May 2021

Please ensure you read through this form carefully, and fill in all sections required.

If you require a hard copy, please email your students’ teacher and ask for a copy, and we will send it home.


Alyssa Drill, Erin Murphy and Greg Miller

Upcoming excursions

Coles little shop mini figures

This is a call out for any Badger Creek families who may have any of the Coles little shop mini figures at home they are no longer using or need.

We are hoping to collect some here at BCPS to use in the hands on Maths.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website

Rubbish in the yard

The Grade 6s did a school yard rubbish clean up during their leadership session this week. They want to remind everyone to nude their food before going out to play and to aim for rubbish free lunches to help keep our environment clean!


Here at Badger Creek we are lucky enough to have our very own chickens, chickens which have been busy laying lots of eggs.

Eggs are available for purchase at the office at $5 a carton.

Eggsellent news for all you egg lovers.


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.

Community News


Which building has the most stories?

The Library!