Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal’s seat…

Now I sit down to write the very last newsletter article for 2020. When the year started I never thought I would have achieved what I did this year. I didn’t even think I would be principal! I have realised over the past few weeks that it is really important that we take the time to reflect.

When we have lived through a year like this and we stop and look back for a moment, we have 2 ways of thinking. I could consider my feelings as post traumatic trauma OR think about my post traumatic growth. We know that our resilience is fed by our ability to show gratitude, empathy and mindfulness (The Resilience Project taught me this). By practicing these over the last year, I think I may be viewing 2020 as a year of post traumatic growth for me. Which way are you thinking?

Let’s share some of the ways that Badger Creek Primary School has grown over the past year…

  • Scott our Principal of 5 years suddenly left us. We were sad and shocked, but we got on with it. We didn’t let it define our year ahead.
  • We experienced fear of an illness that was spreading across the world at an epic rate. As a village we did the right thing to keep our village safe. We stayed home for months to protect each other. That took a lot of strength of mind and determination from each of us. That was extremely hard. We discovered how persistent and strong we could be.
  • We have learnt to appreciate our connection to our village. By not being able to see each other, I think it has made us all prioritise what is important to us. As the school has opened up again it is so nice to see friends reunite.
  • We, as a community, completely flipped education. Families took a huge leap of faith to become parents and teachers, balancing so many plates. Our teachers changed the way they will teach forever. I am so proud of how Badger Creek evolved and all of the new learnings that have been made this year. I know it will make our educators in the school better equipped for the way learning needs to be in the future.
  • My favourite growth this year has been the learning growth by our students. As Erin and I have looked over reports, we have been really focussing on learning growth of our students. 85% of our students made at least 6 months learning growth this year. This is phenomenal! Our kids have shown true grit as they navigated a whole new way of learning. They followed routines set by the learning team (families and teachers) and when they came back to school, they truly came back with a whole new appreciation of school. Our kids have matured immensely! They are amazing.

How have you grown as a family this year? Take some time over the Christmas-New Year period to reflect. I am sure you will realise that you have learnt a lot!

As I mentioned earlier in this piece, I didn’t enter the year thinking I would be the principal of the school. I did get thrown in at the deep end. I want to take this time to thank all the people who have encouraged me to have a go at the job (you know who you are), all the people who have shown forgiveness towards me when I may have made a mistake, and all the people who have supported me as I took the journey this year. It helped me find the strength to keep going, during the times when it was hard. THANK YOU sincerely.

So let’s hope that 2021 brings us a better year. It would be silly of us to ever think that it won’t bring challenges either, but maybe we will be that little bit stronger and have a few more strategies that will help us get through.

I look forward to seeing many of you, on our first day of school at our Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony on Friday the 29th of January at 9:30am. We invite you to stay for morning tea afterwards to connect with our families.

Have a very Merry Christmas and here is hoping that our New Year keeps us connected! Stay safe!

Nerae Preece



Whole school dates to remember:

Last day of school – Friday 18th December, 1.30pm finish time

First day for 2021 – Friday 29th January

Student lunches – Recommencing early 2021


Greetings Badger Creek School Community,

I would like to wish you a very happy and peaceful break and all the very best for 2021.

I will sign off with a message from me and the Badger Creek Women’s Choir. We recorded this version of Silent Night and Somewhere Over the Rainbow remotely. We look forward to singing together again in 2021.

Kind regards,

Jenny Legg

Music Teacher

Around the Year Levels


Thank you for a wonderful year.

What a journey it has been and how proud we are of all our Preps!

We couldn’t have done it without you.

To all our families,

Have a Happy and Safe Christmas,

See you in the New Year!

Stephanie Eagleton and Emma Griffiths


In the lead up to the holidays, the 3/4 teachers would like to compliment each and every student who have shown this year that you are incredibly resilient young people. Not only have you learned remotely for almost 2 terms but you have approached the transition to next year with a positive attitude and growth mindset.

This week we saw this in action at Healesville Sanctuary where your love of learning about Biological Science and all things environment shone, whether that was in the bird show with birds sweeping overhead or the amount of questions you asked in the reptile enclosure. In the classroom you have been keen to continue your learning, about synthesising in reading, buddy training and maths games.

It has been an absolute pleasure teaching you all this year, we look forward to seeing how you grow over your next journey in school!

Happenings in the Garden

From little things…

It’s comforting to know that in a world of disturbingly invasive and addictive high-tech gadgetry, the simple act of sowing seeds is still met with a great deal of interest and enthusiasm. Despite the plethora of readily available screen-based distractions on offer, gardening continues to draw us in. It has a wonderful way of capturing our attention and imagination. It holds our hearts and our minds, and it rewards our efforts generously. Growing food, in particular, is one of those things that is deeply embedded in our DNA, and working with students in the veggie gardens at BCPS has shown me just how powerful that instinct is. It has been deeply rewarding to spend time in the gardens with students, and wonderfully encouraging to see how passionate and enthusiastic they have become about caring for plants and growing their own food. Sowing seeds creates hope for a bright and positive future, and tending a garden connects us to the earth. It is my hope that students will carry the joy they have experienced in their time in the gardens at BCPS into every waking moment of their lives. I thank them all for being part of the BCPS gardening journey, and look forward to continuing and expanding on that journey in 2021.

Remember to keep the water up to the garden throughout the summer months, keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of a home-grown bounty!

I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and new year.

Take care, and happy gardening!

Just letting you know issue 7 of the scholastic book club is now available.

Closing date will be 30/10/20

Please see link below for all details:

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website


Here at Badger Creek we are lucky enough to have our very own chickens, chickens which have been busy laying lots of eggs.

Eggs are available for purchase at the office at $5 a carton.

Eggsellent news for all you egg lovers.


Please ensure drink bottles are being brought to school each day.

There are facilities to refill drink bottles when required.

January 2021 School Holiday Program


What kind of photos do elves take?
