Nerae Preece Principal

From the Principal’s Seat…

Hi everyone,

We have a few things to chat about today, so let’s get started…

3 Way Interviews

I would like to give a big thank you to all of you for making time to connect with your child’s teacher for the 3 way interviews. As parents and teachers of your children this year, you would have observed so many sides of your child as a learner. This information is important. The survey that can be filled out for teachers has been so helpful in understanding the challenges that your child has faced and the growth they have made because of these challenges.

If you haven’t booked in a time, don’t worry. Give the office a ring and someone will be happy to find a time for you, or directly get in contact with your class teacher. You can also click here for the survey.

2020 Parent Payments (For Essential Learning Items)

This is a gentle reminder for any parents who may have overlooked the payments at the beginning of the year. These payments pay for stationary supplies, photocopying, Mathletics, Sunshine Online and many of the resources that help your child with learning.

If you have any questions about these payments Mel will be more than happy to help you out.

As you would hopefully be aware by now we have stationary and many other resources that your child may need at our contactless pick up point at the office (Ask your child’s teacher for what you need and they will organise for it to be waiting for you at the office).

Badger Babies have started to arrive

In happy news we have some babies that have arrived safely on this side…

On Sunday Mr and Mrs Clingin welcomed Charlie into the world, a happy healthy 53cm boy. Everyone is travelling well.

On Monday Mrs Borys (Our grade 4 kids will remember Mrs Borys) welcomed baby Theo who is happy and healthy at 51cm. Also everyone in the Borys household is travelling well. Liz Klavers is also very happy to welcome her 5th grandchild into the world.

Now we are waiting on Mrs Tasker who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of their little girl… We will keep you posted with her arrival hopefully in next week’s newsletter.

Return to school Term 4

We are still waiting on guidance for DET for the return to learning in Term 4. I was hoping to be able to give you more details, but of course I will be in contact with you all as soon as I know more.

That’s it for this week. Till next week, stay safe…

Nerae Preece


3 Way interview form

Hello Badger Creek Families,

Just letting everyone know 3 way interviews can now be scheduled on Sentral.

Please find the link below for the Sentral booking:

Please also find a link below in regards to the 3 way interview form to also be filled out.

These interviews will all be scheduled via Webex in your teachers’ Webex room (link is on the blog pages) unless otherwise organized with your teacher.

If you do have any issues with booking an interview please do not hesitate to contact the office.



3D Print Challenge

Designed by Lucca

Well done to all the students have already started on the 3D Printing Challenge. It has been exciting to see some amazing designs come through.

It’s not to late to join us. If you would like to be added to the class please email Mrs Whiteside at

If you have any questions you can visit Mrs Whiteside’s webex room on Fridays 1.30 – 2.30 and we will explore your questions together.


Hello Families,

What a wonderful week we have had in our virtual art room. I’m so impressed with all the work our students are making and their continued dedication to their art practice.

This week we have been looking at Impressionism, an art movement from the late 19th Century. We focussed on the work of Claude Monet, one of the most well-known artists from this movement and students made their own artwork inspired by his distinct style.

Our Seniors looked at Monet’s technique of applying paint using thick, short brush strokes in analogous colours. They then drew their own landscape using coloured markers, and recreated this style producing artwork that looked like the impressionist had painted it themselves!

Our Juniors looked at Monet’s series of waterlily paintings and using oil pastel and water colour, recreated one of his famous paintings. They also paid close attention to the technique of adding shadows to objects to make them seem more 3-dimentional. Well done my talented artists.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

Vanessa Imberger

Art Teacher

Music News

Greetings to our Wonderful School Community,

This week in music we have been listening to some of the music from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint Seans. Thank you to all of the children who have sent in their responses to this music. You can see here a selection of the movements and dances that the Junior School students made to go with this fun music. Well done to our birds and fossils!

In the Senior School this week, I asked the students to share their thoughts about some of their favourite music with me. Thank you to those students who shared. I was introduced to some music and composers that I had not previously known. I absolutely loved looking up your music and listening to your choices. What a lovely thing to share…a love of music!

Enjoy the weekend,

Ms. Legg

Music Teacher

Birds In the Garden

Abbie Bird Dance

Fossil Dance Will

Around the Year Levels 


This week the Preps have thoroughly enjoyed measuring all different things.

They even measured themselves! Check out Abigail 1 and Abigail 2!

We have enjoyed talking to our Preps and their families about Remote Learning in the 3 way interviews.

The Preps also loved visualizing the Gruffalo in our guided drawing session this week!

Next week, we are having special morning check-in’s… Look out for the different letter clues for a dress up theme each day on the blog – P.R.E.P.S!


This week we have been expanding our persuasive skills by exploring a number of topics and coming up with reasons to support our point of view. Students loved trying to convince their parents to let them get a new pet (including a few ambitious choices of tigers and crocodiles). We are so proud of the ways our students presented their ideas on the topic of “plane VS boat travel”.

In Maths, we have continued discussing change and probability. Students enjoyed using dice and cards to explore the topic and sharing their thinking with their families.

It has been wonderful to catch up with so many families in interviews to discuss students’ achievements and goals for next term. We are looking feverently forward to next term.


This week in 3/4 we have been continuing our work on fractions in Numeracy.  In Reading, we have been focusing on word choice and in Writing we have been working on poetry. This week in Inquiry students have been looking at the similarities and differences between their chosen African country and Australia. A marvellous week 3-4’s!


In the penultimate week of term 2, Grade 5/6 students kicked off writing by creating humorous warning signs. This was a challenging task, as students had to maintain the important information of the warning whilst entertaining their audience. In reading, we have revisited the various comprehension strategies covered throughout this remote learning period and applied these to written responses that celebrate our favourite books from the term. Maths has been all about money, with students using their knowledge of the four operations to solve a range of purchasing problems and an activity exploring how foreign currency is traded. And this week has seen our major Inquiry project brought to a close, with students submitting their projects on a country of Europe this coming Monday. One week to go 5/6s, you’re almost there!!! Well done!!!

Sean’s garden philosophies

Live, Love, Garden, Learn and Grow 

I would like to begin this week’s garden chat by asking the question: “What has gardening taught you?” You don’t need to be an experienced gardener in order to answer that question. Even a newcomer with a few pots or a small plot would have some insights into the intriguing world of gardening.

The gardening learning curve is a very steep one, and sometimes the lessons we are taught leave us feeling a little disheartened. Sometimes the lessons can even be brutal. Just like my year 10 biology teacher, the garden can be tough and unforgiving. But that can be a blessing in disguise. Not that it feels like it at the time. And just like my biology teacher, the garden rewards us generously when we learn from our mistakes. It rewards us when we work hard and apply the lessons learnt.

I am extremely grateful for the many things that gardening has taught me. The lessons I’ve learnt are not only relevant to gardening, they apply to the bigger picture of life itself. Like the importance of mindfulness, of not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, but instead being totally present in the here and now. And the slightly conflicting and somewhat opposing, but vitally important practise of planning ahead. Which means, if like me, your goal is to have home-grown tomatoes on the menu for Christmas lunch, it would pay to get those seeds in now. For the best chance of success, try the smaller varieties, like cherry, plum or pear tomatoes. They’re fast growers and early to mature. Tommy Toe and Black Cherry are two of my favourites. Sweet, juicy and bite-sized, they’re perfect for the kids! If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to sow your other summer veggies, herbs and flowers. Try zucchini, squash, cucumber, lettuce, rocket, leek, sweet corn, basil, mint, sage, sunflowers, dahlias, and zinnias. (For more suggestions on what to sow and when, there are many informative sowing guides online).

Sow seeds in pots or trays, using high quality seed raising mix (or sifted high quality potting mix), and keep moist and in a warm spot (the kitchen window sill is a popular spot but it can get terribly crowded and messy). I use a small greenhouse which I picked up off hard rubbish, but you can likely fashion something suitable with minimal time and fuss from the bits and pieces you have lying around in the shed, the garage, or the backyard. A warm, moist environment is all you need to create in order to propagate your seeds, and once germination occurs, the seedlings will require plenty of light if they are to develop into strong, vibrant plants.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to sow seeds and raise seedlings, then buying ready-to-plant seedlings is a great option. The downside is that a punnet of tomato seedlings (typically only 6 or 8 plants) can cost up to five times more than a packet of seeds (typically 50 to 80 seeds for tomatoes). Also, whilst common varieties are usually easy to find, the more unusual, lesser known (some would also say more interesting) and heirloom varieties can often be difficult (if not impossible) to buy as seedlings. Coupled with the current limitations on travel and the high demand for seedlings both online and over the counter, you may have to beat the rush to secure your prized plants. The early bird catches the worm…

If you would like to share your gardening journey and the lessons learnt, or if you have any gardening questions you would like answered, feel free to email me at

Happy gardening!

Celebration Section

Here at Badger Creek we have so many amazing and talented students.

Even during this difficult time we have seen so many creative activities come to life.

We have decided these creations are far to good not to sure with the community.

If you would like to upload your special creations please make sure you do so on the remote learning blog in the ‘Share Your Celebrations!’ section.


Just letting you know issue 6 of the scholastic book club is now available.

Please see link below for all details:

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website.


Q: Why did the student throw his watch out of the school window?

A: He wanted to see time fly.