Please find below important information for the changes to term 3.

If you do have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office via phone or email.

We thank you for your understanding during this time.

Please stay safe.

How will we be communicating?

Whole school information will be through the Newsletter, or if urgent via email by Nerae

Classroom teachers will be communicating the learning through the blog, there will no longer be a daily email. The blog will be your one stop shop.

Phone calls for check ins fortnightly.

WebEx for the kids!

Where will you find the learning?

We have updated the blog

Access it through the school’s website or directly or from the previous link, it might be worth bookmarking it so you can access it easily.

Resources can be made available, please email your class teacher, they will have these available at the office for you to collect. This includes hard copies of work if you need it.

At this stage our library borrowing is still available if you make contact with your teacher.

What technology will you need?

It would be preferable for all families to set up a family Gmail address, this way student work can be uploaded easily for our teachers to view your child’s work. This is critical in helping them understand how your child is travelling with their learning.

If you get a Gmail address it also means you have access to a range of document making programs like slides, word documents.

A web browser to access the site, and with a Gmail account you can access the types of programs you might need for students to submit work.

Children may need a 1:1 device, please make contact with Erin Murphy if your family need support with this

How will we be caring for your families wellbeing?

Every morning at 9am we ask our students to login into WebEx to do the morning check in. The role will be marked in this space and teachers will be discussing the learning for the day.

Fortnightly phone call or WebEx check ins, just to see how everyone is travelling and making sure that your child has everything they need. Please answer no caller ID calls during 8-5, it may be your child’s teacher.

Edwina and Erin are our wellbeing focus team, they will be available to support if things are getting tough. Please reach out for support, they have links to great community supports.

How do we get to see your child’s work?

We are asking that you support your child to submit 2 tasks per week, they will be set by the teacher, this helps our teachers inform their planning.

We have a writing Common Assessment Task (CAT) in Week 3 and a maths CAT later in the term.

If you are unable to upload work, please email your teacher directly with the work.

The Productive Struggle

We would like to see our students:

Learn how to self regulate their learning

Have a productive struggle, that means we need to see their mistakes

Please know that you are all doing an incredible job, remember that you may have a different way of showing your child how to do something. We say any exposure is better than none! The kids won’t break if they are taught a different way!

What do the Junior School need?

Email your teacher for any resources you may need. PDF’s can be printed as required.


What do the Senior School need?

Stationary is available outside of the office, please come and collect what you need.

What if my child requires supervision?

Contact Brogan at

Blog reminder…

Just a friendly reminder the blog year level homepages will be live from this afternoon (17/7/20).

This will provide details for the Monday morning start.

Until then please enjoy your weekend.