Nerae Preece Acting Principal

From The Principal’s Office…

As the term draws to a close, it has certainly been an eventful one! I think every single person in our Badger Creek Community has had to dig deep and show some “Sisu” as we all had to do things that were out of our comfort zone. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart for being strong for yourself and your family and for our school. Please enjoy the next two weeks to enjoy having your kids home, enjoy their company, and make some time to play with them. Our families first adventure is this afternoon, we are heading up to Badger Creek Weir for a bushwalk. We need to connect with nature!

Boss of Safety

As you may remember from remote learning, we started using our school behaviour expectations of being safe, being respectful and being responsible. Over the past few weeks our classes have been working on these to understand what they mean, and what it looks like at school.

The focus for our school leaders is around Be Safe. This gives us time and space to work on:

  • Implementing rich processes around OHS. We have been working with Alison down at region and she is helping us look through a OHS lens. This means the last term becomes OHS week. We will be training our kids to help us with inspecting our school playground and learning areas. By doing these inspections over the last week, it means we can fix unsafe things over the holidays.
  • Yard duty changes are around the corner. We are changing our model to work with our current student population of 240. We are increasing supervision to 4 staff on supervision duty during break times (3 in zoned areas across the school and 1 in the library). Additionally we will have clubs.
  • To keep things COVID-19 safe, we are going to have zoned areas for kids to play. To limit their interactions.
  • All staff members will be provided with their own High Vis top to wear on their duties. Some of our grade 6 leaders will also be wearing high vis to help our junior students with “mini incidences”
  • We are working to clearly define for our students what “Major”, “minor” and “mini” incidences are. This makes things fair for them and for us.
  • And just in case you didn’t know, “I’m the boss of safety” at school for everyone. My job is to keep our school safe and help keep it as a Sanctuary for Learning. I also give this job to all classroom teachers and ES staff in the classroom and in the yard. You as parents at home are the boss of safety too. If kids are making unsafe choices you can pull rank and say, “Are you being safe or unsafe?” (Think about little squabbles at home, try it… see how it goes).

Safety is important. When we are safe we can learn.


Reports are published and ready for you to look at on the Sentral Website (Do not use the App)!/login

We are offering a report around their growth in wellbeing and remote learning. Over the period of remote learning we were able to provide feedback to students who submitted Common Assessment Tasks in maths and literacy, which has formed a part of the assessment feedback for you for the term as well.

We have removed the continuum tracker from the parent portal for the time being, as we really want to ensure that is reliable information for you to see.

We are aiming to have 3 way interviews in Week 3 of term 3 to establish goals for the next 6 months, and of course in term 3 we will have 2 further Common Assessment Tasks for you and your child to receive feedback about their learning.


Unfortuntately there has been quite a bit of graffiti painted around the school over the last few weeks. We are hoping over the holidays that you might be able to keep an eye out over our lovely school. If you see or hear any suspicious behaviours call 131444 or Healesville Police 59624422 or Lilydale Police 97392300. We thank you so much for caring for our school.

Return to school process

We are really happy with the amazing system you have all helped us develop over the past few weeks. Drop offs are working like a charm. We are going to keep those the way they are. So we ask that you drop your child off from 8:45am, there will be no play before school, just head straight into class for a gentle start to the day. I am so happy with the success of this, students are calm and getting on with their learning.

The pick ups have been pretty good, but we have been getting a little social outside the fences, so we are going to make things a bit quicker and easier.

Dismissals start at 3:20 with student surnames that are from A-K, and bus travellers leaving first. You can arrange the spot that you pick them up from. 3:30 will be L-Z surnames, any student travelling home independently and After school care kids.

We hope these things will help keep our community safe and keep things moving quickly for you.


The final piece of information is that the whole school is moving to the same timetable. The day will be as follows:

8:45 Gentle start

9:00 Learning

10:55 Morning Snack

11:00 First break

11:30 Learning

12:30 Second break

1:00 Lunch eating time

1:15 Learning

2:15 Third break

2:30 Learning

3:15 Pack up

3:20 A-K dismissal

3:30 L-Z dismissal

That’s it from me for the next two weeks. Have a super break and I can’t wait to see you all safe and healthy on our return.

Nerae Preece


A holiday message from the chief health officer

As the school holidays approach, we can’t ease up on looking after ourselves and our families. The only thing between us and a second wave is what we do next.

Wherever you go, please be mindful of the risks. Be aware others may be carrying the virus and practice physical distancing.

We are currently experiencing the highest case numbers we’ve seen in more than two months. Current evidence suggests that the rise in case numbers in Victoria is being driven by families having get-togethers and not following advice around physical distancing and hygiene.

Unfortunately, we are still in a pandemic and people’s lives are still at risk. As we’ve seen across the world, this virus has the ability to turn a small number of cases into hundreds in a matter of days.

This is not where we want to be and we must all act now – while we can.

This is why we’ve had to implement a number of revised restrictions. The number of visitors you can have at your home is now reduced to five. Outside the home, families and friends can meet in groups up to ten.

This is how each and every member of the community can help:

  • Stay safe while out in the community.
  • Stay safe at home. And that means only seeing those you need to. Don’t have big family gatherings and remember to keep your distance and maintain good hygiene.
  • Don’t share food or drinks.
  • If you, or anyone in your family is feeling unwell – stay at home. Don’t visit friends and family. Don’t go on holiday if you are unwell and don’t go to work. Don’t send your kids to school, childcare or kindergarten if they are unwell – stay home.
  • And if you have symptoms, get tested.

The vast majority of Victorians are doing the right thing, but this is a wake-up call and we cannot be complacent.

It’s up to all of us to keep our friends and families safe.

For current information and updates on coronavirus (COVID-19) visit the Victorian Government’s coronavirus website.

If anyone in your family has any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, they should stay at home, seek advice and get tested. These symptoms include fever, chills or sweats, a cough, a sore throat, shortness of breath or runny nose, or loss of sense of smell or taste. For more information about where to get tested visit the getting tested for coronavirus web page.

If you’re concerned yourself or a family member has contracted the virus and need more information, please call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.

Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton
Victorian Chief Health Officer


Greetings to our Wonderful School Community,

It has been an amazing term at Badger Creek and things have been humming along in the music department now that we are all back at school. Even though our instrumental music teachers have not yet been able to attend the school, our students are still playing music together and loving it. Each week I am recording performances by our students. I must say this has been a very enjoyable part of my week.

One of our aims at Badger Creek is to help develop young musicians who are able to explore and enjoy music independently now and into the future. When I see our students learning new songs at home and coming into the music room in their breaks to practice and play together, I feel that we are having a great deal of success in that area. It makes my day!

This week we have three perfromances for you. The first is a group of girls who got together and with very little assistance, learnt and performed the American folk song, Turkey in the Straw. The second is John with a heartfelt version of Fast Car by Tracey Chapman and the third, a cool saxophone blues by some of our senior students. Can’t wait to see what comes next.

I hope you have a relaxing break and look forward to more fun in music in term three.

Stay safe,

Jenny Legg

Music Teacher

Around the Year Levels 


In the last week of term, the preps have been celebrating with all kinds of learning.

We have been practising our retell skills once again with our special 5 words: “Somebody… Wanted… But… So… Then…” We have loved retelling the story Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type. We especially loved those cheeky ducks! Ask your child about the role the ducks play within this story.

In Numeracy, we have been investigating what makes up our teen numbers. We‘ve been saying, making and writing “10 and some more”.

We are so proud that Prep B now knows how to sign every letter of our alphabet! Maybe you can learn some of the Auslan Alphabet over the holidays!

Prep A has enjoyed creating images that reflect Badger Creek’s ‘Sanctuary for Learning’ and our values of Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible, which have been implemented on our return from remote learning.

As we wrap up the term, we have begun asking questions about our family’s history. Next term we are moving onto our next inquiry topic ‘Journey’ and our preps are full of questions regarding who we are, people and their connections to places, what culture means and the history of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Hopefully you can use some of these topics as a conversation starter with your child over the holidays.

Have a wonderful break,

We look forward to seeing your smiling faces on our return from holidays.


What a wonderful week we have had in grade 1 / 2. This week we have celebrated our learning of Earth and Space sciences by making posters and creating a wonderful display. We had loads of fun! We are now ready for a good rest after a very unforgettable term.


This week our 3/4s have been hard at work on their Information Reports! Choosing topics, drafting through dot-pointing information and summarising, and choosing appropriate images to enhance the reader’s engagement. Well done to all 3/4s for their amazing efforts this term!


This week the grade 5 / 6 students have been publishing their books for their buddies.

Responding to a film text around their inquiry unit of space and creating questions and collecting data to display in a graph.

Miss. Drill and Mr. Moore would like to wish all grade 5 / 6 students a happy holidays and can’t wait to see you all next term.

Sean’s garden philosophies


Book Club Orders:

Just a quick update with the latest book club orders.

Please be advised the latest order of book club will be available from the first week of next term.

You will be advised once your order has arrived.


Badger Creek Families, please be aware with children starting to return to school forms will be sent home in regards to updating/changing of any details.

We want to ensure our records are true.

If you do have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the office via phone or email.

P: 59 624 019  E:

School uniform orders:

Please find below the link for the school uniform orders.

All orders are to be completed through the website.


There will be a PSA meeting on Tuesday 14th July at 7.30pm via webex.

A text message will be sent out on the day with the appropriate link.


Brought to you by Ashleigh G…

Q: What does a Star Drink?

A:  The Milky Way

**If you would like to submit a joke to be included in the newsletter please hand in at the office or email to 🙂

From everyone here at Badger Creek we would like to wish you a very happy and safe School holidays!